Velos shows Learning finished. What should I do?

Learning finished means the pigs have gone through a Learning phase. The next Learning phase can be started (Learning phase 1 - 4 finished) or the PorkTuner can start sorting (Learning phase 5 finished).

Learning phases 1 - 4 finished

If applicable, set the fences in the pen and/or the exit gates of the PorkTuner in the correct position. Push the red button on the PorkTuner to start the next Learning phase. As long as the red button has not been pushed, the PorkTuner stays in the current Learning phase. See Learning for all specific tasks for each Learning phase.

Learning phase 5 finished

  1. Set the fences in the correct position for the Sorting mode.

    Position of the fences for the Sorting mode

  2. Push the red button on the PorkTuner 3 times. x 3

  3. The status light breathes. The PorkTuner starts sorting.

The Pigs will be weighed and the PorkTuner changes its exit to the left (50% lightest animals) or right (50% heaviest animals) based on the weight of the pigs.